Sunday, March 22, 2009

Here is Kodi getting ready to make cookies for the first time in our new home. Yep, we moved. We moved to Shelley, ID in the middle of January. Ryan is working and Kodi and I get to stay home and have fun everyday. We love it! We are in an apartment but are wanting to get into a house as soon as possible. (I must be a pretty crazy mom to put a three year old next to a stove, right in front of a set of knives, by a mixer, and on a counter top, & taking a picture of it all. What was I thinking?)


grandma Deb said...

Sarah you are so normal!!! It looks like you are all settled in I will have to come and see you this summer. Kody is growing! I miss your mom I will be glad to have her home for a few days....Love you tons Aunt deb

Tyler and Mindy said...

Kodi is such a beautiful little thing. I wish you lived closer so our girls could play while we chatted, but it seems like you keep moving further and further away. Did Ryan forget the part of your wedding vows that stated that he would never move you more than 2 hours from Mino?